New monoclonal antibody to PCSK9 in Lipitor patients and possible 70% decrease in bad cholesterol

The winds of change AGAIN in cholesterol management—what is PCSK9 and how does it fit with Lipitor??

We’ve recently heard about challenges with increasing doses of medicines in the statin family and it appeared that science needed to bring us a new drug. WOW…the NEJM today has an original article about the effect of a new monoclonal antibody to PCSK9 on LDL cholesterol in patients on Lipitor.

PCSK9 binds to LDL receptors and makes them work for a shorter time, leading to increased LDL. An experimental antibody to PCSK9 appeared to avoid side effects that are possible with a larger statin dose AND lead to more than a 70% decrease in bad (LDL cholesterol for some patients)--AND no apparent increase in side effects. Definitely a rising star and a compound to watch !

In the New England Journal of Medicine 3/22/12 !

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